Thursday, August 28, 2008

Great Logos

A walk down Main Street or 10 minutes of television pull quotemeans we're going to encounter logos. A logo is the most obvious and consistent visual representation of a company's brand identity.

What is it that makes a great logo?

A great logo has a concept. Logos are symbols that are going to bring an emotional reaction to the person viewing them. When crafting a logo, whether a new one or updating an old one, focus on giving the symbol a conceptual meaning. An excellent example of this is Sprint's "pin-drop" icon. An early campaign boasted such a clear signal that one could hear a pin drop. That idea became a long running campaign. The visual of a pin dropping in their TV spots became the new logo.

Great logos are simple. In your mind, picture some of the most recognizable logos. Apple, Coke, McDonald's, Nike, CBS. All use a simple, clear icon with clean typography. Simplifying the image focuses the viewer on only the most important elements, thereby making what is seen more powerful.

Great logos are timeless Coca-Cola has used the same logo for decades. A logo should be free from trendy and fashionable design elements that can date it once those elements are no longer "in". This has been a issue now more than in the past as graphic designers have harnessed the power of computers and reproduction technology has advanced and changed. The temptation to use all of the available technological tricks in making a logo is strong, but ultimately the results won't last.

In the long run, though, a logo's power is in what it represents. A logo means something to a consumer because they use that symbol to associate an emotion and/or experience with the company. Building a strong brand, one that consistently brings an exceptional experience to the consumer, is the key. Great logos represent great experiences.

posted by Kristian Link