Tuesday, November 29

Meeting "da' Man"

The week before Thanksgiving I took a business trip to Utah. While I was there I took time to catch up with old friends. I also had the opportunity to grab lunch with one of web design's rock-stars-Cameron Moll.

I met Cameron via his blog a couple of years ago. We've e-mailed back and forth a bit and he and Greg were both invaluable in helping me to get the CSS for this blog (and other sites) working. He's always been generous with his time and talents.

He graciously took me out to lunch at a wonderful place called Tucano's, a Brazilian BBQ place in Provo that is now one of my favorite restaurants ever. He also brought the wife and kids, which was fun. Suzanne is very nice and his four boys are cute as all get out, but they were also extremely well-behaved. I have 5 kids and the Moll family has much better table manners than the Walker clan when eating out.

All-in-all, it was great to meet him in real life, have a face and voice to the name and find out that he's as cool offline as he seems online.

Friday, November 4

Smarty Phone

My first real geek gadget was a Handspring PDA. Before the PDA, I tried using various planners without too much success in organizing myself. I gave that old Handspring to my wife when I got my PowerBook, because I pretty much took it with me everywhere and found I was just using the OSX apps instead.

I'm going to be selling the PowerBook soon and going back to using a big desktop computer, so I want to get another PDA. Since I don't want to have either my pockets or my belt loaded with both a cell phone AND a PDA, I'm looking into a Smart Phone. Trouble is, I'm absolutely clueless in this arena. So I'm asking my blog audience for some help, since I know that many of you are gadget geeks.

My thoughts/questions:
• OSX compatibility. I like the native OSX apps (iCal, Address Book, etc) over Palm Desktop, unless they have seriously upgraded it in the last few years.

• I like to take notes at meetings and seminars. I got pretty good at using Graffiti, although I was thinking of getting one of those foldable keyboards before I got the PB. I've never used any of those tiny thumb keyboards I see on some. Is that the only way to input on these or can you write on the screen with a stylus?

• I'm not much of a traveller, so I don't really care about accessing e-mail on one. The Blackberry seems to use this as a big selling point.

• What are the different OS platforms? Anyone clue me in on the strengths/weakness of them.

• I don't care really what carrier I use. Right now Sprint does my cell, but that just because my sister works there and I got my phone from her.

So, comments are open-
Any thoughts and opinions would be appreciated